Greetings from Chicago! I arrived in town last night to attend the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference, the third such time I’ve attended this massive gathering of evaluators. Taking a quick look through the program, I’m still excited and overwhelmed by the sheer number of interesting sessions and workshops: even after three years, it’s difficult to choose what to take in without burning out!
This year, I’m also presenting in two sessions, one an Ignite talk on my professional path to evaluation, and the other one a more traditional presentation on development evaluation. I’m looking forward to the next few days, but between those talks, two workshops that I’m participating in, networking with colleagues old and new, and of course some time to explore this beautiful city, that time is going to pass by fast.
If you’re at the conference, feel free to drop me a line – I’m always up for a conversation! The best way to reach me the next few days is by Twitter or by email. Note that I am not reachable at the phone number on my contact page between now and the 15th: if you need to reach me by phone, contact me by email and I can send you my temporary US number.
As with past conferences, I will be tweeting regularly and also blogging on a daily basis if possible.
And yes, it’s been windy here!