
Community Psychology in a minute (or two)

A great definition of my “home field” of community psychology in 2 minutes or less!


February 13, 2019 News

Fun fact: -40 is the point where the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales converge. Do not ask me why I had reason to figure this out! Saskatoon Events The University of Saskatchewan’s Community Relations and Engagement Office is hosting a talk and workshop on February 27 with Jayne Malenfant on the topic of “Youth, Lived Experience […]


Reinvigorating the Strong Roots Blog

A new approach and commitment to the Strong Roots Blog!


Action, Innovation, Reflection – CES 2017 Day 1

For those who have read my posts from previous conferences, you wouldn’t be surprised that I get a lot out of these events – hearing great ideas, learning about new tools, connecting with friends and colleagues, and re-igniting the passion for the field I’m working in. Less than two days into the Canadian Evaluation Society’s […]


Evaluate As If Nobody’s Watching

Two quick announcements before today’s post. First, as I mentioned last week, I’m heading off to the annual conference of the Canadian Evaluation Society, taking place April 30 – May 3 in Vancouver. I’m looking forward to connecting with friends and colleagues during that time, so if you’ll be in attendance, look me up! I’m […]


CES 2017: Evaluation and Change

I find it interesting that the two major evaluation conferences I attend are usually scheduled in spring and fall (respectively), the seasons of change1. At its heart, the field is about change: both in terms of understanding and cataloguing what has transpired as the result of an intervention or program, but also supporting new developments […]


Sharing and Connecting: Innovation at CES 2017

It’s most definitely fall in Saskatoon – nights dip below freezing, the trees have shed most of their leaves, and it’s only a matter of time before the snow hits1. Another sign of fall? Upcoming due dates to submit presentations for conferences, including the Canadian Evaluation Society’s 2017 conference in Vancouver. Earlier this year, I […]


The Next Best Thing

Tomorrow, Apple will lift the veil on its newest product, most likely a new iPhone1. If past behaviour is any indicator, there will be much discussion and many questions asked in the immediate aftermath: is this a good product, should people buy it, is Apple being forward-thinking or foolish in removing the headphone jack (if […]


Facing Forward

From previous blog posts (see here, here, here, and here), you can tell that I’m a fan of expanding my skills and learning in evaluation through conferences. Attending these events, hosted by the Canadian Evaluation Society and the American Evaluation Association, has also connected me into a diverse community of practitioners, academics, consultants, students, grantmakers, […]


Learning Circles

Professional Development on the Prairies This summer will mark four years for me in Saskatoon, and while there are many things I love about this city1, there are a few small challenges. One specifically related to my work is the relative isolation: the nearest city of comparable size is the provincial capital of Regina, which […]