
Community Psychology in a minute (or two)

A great definition of my “home field” of community psychology in 2 minutes or less!

In a recent Eval Cafe podcast episode, my co-host Carolyn Camman and I had a great conversation with Evan Poncelet about our professional journeys in the field of evaluation. All three of us come from an applied psychology background, and I spoke a bit about the influence and grounding I have courtesy of my “home field” of community psychology. For whatever reason, though, I sometimes find it difficult to provide a succinct definition of what community psychology is, or what it means to work from that perspective.

Fortunately, just last week a community psychologist, Leonard Jason, appeared on “The Academic Minute” podcast and in my opinion knocked it out of the park with explaining who we are and what we do (and in less than two minutes to boot!). The link above has both the audio and a full transcript of Dr. Jason’s presentation – I was originally planning to pull out a representative quote or two, but it’s short enough (as the podcast title implies) so I recommend simply going ahead and listening or reading it in its entirety.